Car Detailing in Condos, Auto detailing in parkade, Car Detailing in Apartment. Car Detailing In parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos

[arve url=”h” title=”Car Detailing Services in Condo Parkades by D&V Mobile Auto Service” thumbnail=”” hide_title=”true” align=”center” arve_link=”false” duration=”1M25S” sticky=”false” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ /]

D&V provides services for mobile car detailing in Condos and Apartments. We can provide our Auto Detailing services in the Parkades of Condos and Apartments. Our vans can enter all Parkades so that we can easily provide our services. We just need access to Power for interior services and power and water for exterior services. Our Detailing service is considered among the best in the Vancouver area. (per the  & . )

Check out some where we are detailing cars in parkade.

for car detailing, that is done out of your location. 

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Car Detailing in Condos, Auto detailing in parkade, Car Detailing in Apartment. Car Detailing In parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos

Car Detailing in Condos, Auto detailing in parkade, Car Detailing in Apartment. Car Detailing In parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos

FAQ – Car Detailing In Parkade

Yes we do. We can come to your location and provide car detailing in condos & apartments out of the parkade.

In order to provide auto detailing in parkade, we need access to power for interior detailing services & access to water + power for exterior detailing services.

a) We cannot provide services for Car Detailing in Condos & Apartments where the strata does NOT allow it. (please check with your strata if this is allowed)

b) Auto detailing in parkade, will need YOUR doors to be open for 1-2 hours. So about 2 parking stalls of space.  Please ensure we have enough space.

Most privately monitored parkades like those by IM Park, will NOT allow us to provide auto detailing in parkade for a vehicle unless we also pay for the hourly parking.

Occupying additional parking spots, (so we can clean) can lead to additional charges for our mobile auto detailing service.

Please talk to the company, and take approval. If you do, (and are willing to bear expenses for the fees) most certainly, we will come and detail your car out of your parkade.

If its below ground level, running a Generator for 2 + hours will create smoke. So Unfortunately we cannot work out of a generator , If the parking is on ground level, yes, we can run a generator to provide Auto detailing in apartment or parkade, as long as you get prior approval from the property management company.

We have had instances where the noise and smoke from a generator has created complaints from neighbours while we are providing our mobile detailing services in condos and parkades.

We want to make sure we are not becoming a nuisance for the neighbors.

Our vans that provide car detailing in apartments are the size of a Toyota Sienna, or smaller. We are confident we will be able to provide services for car detailing in condos & apartments.

Most mall lots are monitored by private companies. Unless you have prior approval from them to detail vehicles, we cannot come and do it.

For Sure, you can take an additional 5% off by putting the coupon code (CONDO5) on check out.

If you can help us become a vendor with your strata, we will give your entire building an additional 10% discount.

Car Detailing in Condos, Auto detailing in parkade, Car Detailing in Apartment. Car Detailing In parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos

Auto detailing in parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos, car detailing in apartment

Car Detailing in Condos, Auto detailing in parkade, Car Detailing in Apartment. Car Detailing In parkade, Auto Detailing in Condos